Saturday, November 30, 2013

A little thirsty? Mission accomplished?

So Darius has wanted my mother's pepsi since he noticed it about 4 months old. Of course he doesn't get soda, has never tried it before. My mother had the bottle(lid closed) on the floor where she was sitting, but left to go smoke outside. I turn around looking for him since he got eerily quiet to find him attempting to drink my mothers soda. He was so happy he finally got it. Except he couldn't get anything out of it. I grabbed it opened it, took a sip re-closed it and set it back on the floor. I wasn't even thinking. Darius of course watched the entire time, grabbed it and tried to open it, and then drink from it. Much to his dismay, there was no success.


Happy Birthday!


Darius finally hit 1 years old! He is just the cutest thing! And he did not like the texture of the cake, but recovered quick enough to take a decent picture. Love his smirks and eyebrow shakes!

Rocking the new beanie!


So it was starting to get a bit chilly outside especially for the little guy. So naturally we went out and bought him a new beanie, and man does he love his pictures taken!

First time swinging!

So baby boy got to try out the park for the first time! He loved it! And for some reason thought the kid next to him was hilarious! The entire time he is laughing at this kid getting pushed by his father. The older he gets the more his personality is just like his mothers.
