Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bookmark Cuteness! 14 Weeks!

Darius was being cranky not wanting to go to sleep so I thought lets do something fun for a little while this time. We were playing and there was a bookmark near by and I thought Hmm, maybe he'd like the feel of it, something new. He LOVED it. Just too cute! I love it when he talks and is just so darn happy! <3

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Visual Fun!

So Darius has a few videos he loves to watch on youtube! I'll sit him on my lap and play videos for him or from my phone! so I decided to share his favorite ones!

This is his Ultimate Favorite one! He could be crying and throwing a fit I play this, instant silence.

He has a thing for Julia Sheer.
Then of course he loves this one, I want to buy him this movie so badly! He loves the Princess and the Frog!

And who doesn't love the Lion King?

And Last but not least! Bubble Guppies! Wish I could buy these to!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby Comparison!

So I thought lets compare Darius to my baby photo and my husbands and other family members I can get photos of! I'll get more of grandparents and such when I can.

Of course starting with Darius himself!

First off! Daddy!

Uncle Michael

Auntie Shanell
Mommy! Of course I was always glaring and scratching only a few days old

Uncle Daniel

Uncle Lucas!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Just some loving!

I Was Just trying to take some pictures and he just loves my phone, He stares at it so intently especially when I'm trying to video record him. I can't get him to do anything, he just stares bug eyed.

 Then of course nap time!!

First time Playing!

One of the toys Darius got from Aunt Shanell is well I can't remember what they are called, I normally just call it a walker, but this one has no wheels. The seat spins though. So cute and he loves it! Of course I had to prop him because he doesn't have quite a hold on the holding his head up. He can but after a while he gets tired. So adorable he is!

And Of course I had bought him a bunch of toys to add to his play mat. I had to put them all in front of his face though. x].

He made me laugh, He was squealing and playing but then decided he wanted to be fed right when I took the picture. Wearing his Tigger onesee Shanell got him.